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Archive - 11th Five Flavours Film Festival

Close Encounters

About the event

Apart from the Q&A sessions with Festival guests taking place after film screenings, the program also includes special debates.

The talks and presentations will allow us to dig deeper into the world of Asian cinema, learn about the personal experiences of the people involved in its making, and about the encounters with Asian cultures.

15 XI 4:45 PM, Muranów cinema

Bhutan. Ravens, crowns and death – a presentation of Bhutanese legends and tales prepared by Renata Koper (Soul Travel).

16 XI 7:30 PM A meeting after "A Simple Life", Muranów cinema

The cinema of Ann Hui. A meeting with Roger Lee, the producer of "Summer Snow," "A Simple Life," and "Our Time Will Come."

18 XI 8:15 PM A debate after "Close-Knit," Kinoteka cinema

The new Japanese family. A meeting with Naoko Ogigami, the director of "Close-Knit," devoted to the relations between sexes and alternative family models in contemporary Japan, and to the state of Japanese independent cinema.

19 XI 8 PM A debate after "Honeygiver Among the Dogs," Muranów cinema

The world of Bhutanese cinema. A meeting with Dechen Roder, the director of "Honeygiver Among the Dogs" and the organizer of the Beskop Tshechu film festival.

21 XI 19:30, Muranów cinema

A screening of a "Long Way" - a documentary film about a Polish-Indian encounter, followed by a meeting with its director and anthropologist, Weronika Milczewska.

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