Japanese Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Cinema
The lecture is a set of three related sub-lectures which give a brief outline of Japanese horror, fantasy and science fiction cinema. The first part is a look at the history and specifics of such cinema during each of its boom periods. The second part deals with supernatural femininity and Japanese kaidan films, and the factors involved in making Japanese ghosts world-famous in the latter part of the 1990s. The third part delves deeper into science and scientific masculinity, exploring the way scientist characters in films have changed throughout the decades, reflecting the societal changes in Japan during that time.
Leena Eerolainen
Leena Eerolainen acquired her PhD in Japanese Studies in 2020 from University of Helsinki, writing about the role scientists play in the portrayal of national images in Japanese weird and horror cinema. Leena has also lectured widely about Japanese contemporary society and popular culture at the University of Helsinki. She has spent three years in Japan starting as an exchange high school student, and later at Waseda University. She is one of the founders of Helsinki Cine Aasia film festival. Currently Leena holds a manager-level position in a technology consulting company, supporting Japanese clients in the Nordic market.
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The Menace from the South Seas: Honda Ishirō’s Godzilla (1954), Inuhiko Yomota, in Japanese Cinema: Texts and Contexts (2007), edited by Alastair Phillips and Julian Stringer. London and New York: Routledge
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J-horror: New Media’s Impact on Contemporary Japanese Horror, Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano in Horror of the Extreme: Changing Boundaries in Asian Cinema (2009), edited by Jinhee Choi and Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
Japanese Horror Cinema and Their American Remakes (2014), Valerie Wee, Routledge, New York
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The Imagination of Disaster, Susan Sontag in Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film (2009) edited by Mick Broderick, London and New York: Routledge.
Bringing it all back home: family economy and generic exchange, Vivian Sobchack in The Dread of Difference (1996) edited by Keith Grant Barry. Austin: University of Texas Press
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Nihon eiga no kaiki to gensō 日本映画の怪奇と幻想 [The fantastic and the weird of Japanese cinema], Kazuki Uchiyama, 内山一樹 in Kaiki to gensō e no kairo: Kaidan kara J-horaa e回帰と幻想への回路-怪談からJホラーへ [Route to the weird and fantastic: From kaidan to J-horror] (2008), edited by Kazuki Uchiyama 内山一樹, Tōkyō: Shinwasha
The Appeal of ‘Kaidan’, Tales of the Strange (2000), Noriko T. Reider, Asian Folklore Studies 59, no. 2
Archetypes in Japanese film – The Sociopolitical and Religious Significance of the Principal Heroes and Heroines (1989), Gregory Barrett, Cranbury: Associated University Presses
Oh the Horror! Genre and the Fantastic Mode in Japanese cinema (2016), Leena Eerolainen, Asia in Focus 3, http://asiainfocus.dk/issue-3/
Bodies of Memory: Narratives of War in Postwar Japanese Culture, 1945–1970 (2000), Yoshikuni Igarashi, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press
The Mummy Complex: Kurosawa Kiyoshi’s Loft and J-horror, Chika Kinoshita in Horror of the Extreme: Changing Boundaries in Asian Cinema (2009) edited by Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano and Jinhee Choi, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
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