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14th Five Flavours Film Festival

Asian Cinerama

Touching melodramas, an adaptation of a bestselling novel, surprising superhero cinema, and a hip hop musical – we invite you to discover films that enchanted millions of viewers and won over critics all over Asia.

Films nominated to Asian Film Awards are the highlights of Asian cinemas achievements of the past year.

Asian Cinerama is a section created in cooperation with Asian Film Awards Academy, the institution behind one of the most prestigious awards of the continent. It includes films nominated to the 14th Asian Film Awards – the award ceremony will take place on October 28, during Busan International Film Festival.

The nominated titles are a broad representation of mainstream Asian cinema, films by renown authors and brilliant debuts raising widespread debates in their homelands. Original forms, unique subjects, and powerful emotions – Asian Cinerama is a great starting point for everyone beginning of their adventure with Asian cinema, and a gem for connoisseurs looking for familiar faces, ready to jump back into the worlds created by the great cinematic masters.



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