Pięć Smaków w Domu

Tickets, Passes and VOD access to the Five Flavours Asian Film Festival

The sale of tickets and VOD accesses for the 18th edition of the Five Flavours Film Festival started on October 24th. The sale of passes began on September 12. The number of cinema passes is limited, online passes are unlimited, available until the last day of the festival.

All films are presented in their original language, with Polish and English subtitles.

Festival passes

There are two types of passes available:

  • Five Flavours Cinema+Online Pass, priced at 380 PLN – grants access to all film screenings (excluding the opening ceremony) during the festival in theaters and access to all films on the festival's video platform. The program features 41 full-length films. The number of passes is limited.
  • Five Flavours Online Pass, priced at 200 PLN – grants access to all films on the festival's video platform. Online, there are 32 films from the festival program. The number of online passes is unlimited, and they will also be available for purchase till the last day of the festival.
Buy a festival pass
Tickets and VOD access
  • Tickets and VOD access to all screenings will be available from Oct 24th at piecsmakow.pl
  • From November 1st tickets for screenings in Muranów will also be available at the cinema’s ticket offices (kinomuranow.pl)
  • From November 1st tickets for screenings in Kinoteka will also be available at the cinema’s box office (kinoteka.pl)
Ticket Prices
  • 28 PLN - Screenings in Kino Muranów and Kinoteka,
  • 22 PLN - Screenings before 5 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • 35 PLN - Opening Ceremony of the Festival on November 15th
  • 22 PLN - Single VOD access to a film (rental for 48 hours)
  • 200 PLN - Pass for all the festival’s films available online
  • 380 PLN - Pass for all the festival's films available online and in the cinemas
Cinema Tickets - Rules
  • Payment must be made within 48 hours of placing your order. After this time, the order will be cancelled.
  • Payment for the ticket can be made through the Przelewy24 system or by bank transfer.
  • Confirmation of the transaction will be sent to the email address you provided.
  • Tickets will be generated and made available for download after payment has been made. They will also be sent in the confirmation e-mail to the indicated e-mail address.
  • The organiser does not accept returns of purchased tickets.
  • The seats in the hall are unnumbered.
  • The organiser reserves the right to end the sale at any time without giving reasons.
VOD access - Rules
  • Payment must be made within 48 hours of placing your order. After this time the order will be cancelled.
  • You can pay for access via Przelewy24 or bank transfer.
  • Access will be granted after the payment has been made. Confirmation of the transaction will be sent to the specified email address.
  • Purchase history is available in the "My Orders" tab after logging in to piecsmakow.pl
  • The organiser reserves the right to end the sale at any time without giving reasons.
  • Access to single titles allows you to watch one selected film.
  • Once the event has started, all you have to do is log in to your account - once you enter the page of the paid title, you will be able to play it immediately.
  • The film can only be played on one device at a time.
  • Access to the films is only possible in Poland.
Online Passes - Rules
  • The pass holder receives access to all the films from the repertoire of the event, available on the Five Flavours' VOD platform.
  • The start of film viewing is possible at any time during the event or at a specific time slot clearly marked in the information provided next to each film.
  • After purchasing a pass and logging into your account, the viewer has the possibility of watching any film at any time. There are no viewing limits - you can return to any film or resume an interrupted screening at your own discretion within the timeframe available for a particular title.
  • The pass holder can watch a film on only one device at a time.
  • Access to the movies of the Five Flavours’ VOD platform is possible exclusively within Poland.
  • The pass is personal and may not be transferred or made available to other people.
  • 32 feature films are available online throughout entire event at the Five Flavours VOD platform. 
Cinema Passes - Rules
  • Five Flavours Cinema+Online passes are on sale until November 6th or until the pool was exhausted. 
  • Holders of the Five Flavours Cinema+Online passes are required to make seat reservations for cinema screenings. Reservations will be made via a simple service accessible from any computer and mobile device with access to the web.
Seat Reservation Rules
  • The pass is personal, i.e. it will be issued to the name given in the order form. When ordering the Five Flavours Cinema + Online pass it is also necessary to enclose a current portrait photo enabling identification of the owner.
  • The pass cannot be transferred or made available to other people.
  • In the case of a necessity of cancelling an event in cinemas due to sanitary restrictions, the Five Flavours Cinema+Online pass may be returned or exchanged for the Online pass with a price difference.
  • After purchasing the pass and logging into the account, the viewer can watch any film at any time. There are no viewing limits - you can return to any film or resume an interrupted screening at your own discretion within the timeframe available for the title.
  • The pass holder can only watch a film on one device or in the cinema room at a time.
  • Access to films on the Five Flavours VOD platform is possible only on Polish territory.
  • Films in cinemas and online are shown in their original language, with subtitles in Polish and English

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