Pięć Smaków w Domu

Archive - 4th Five Flavours Film Festival


Singapour 2009, 86’
subtitles: Polish and English
director: Ho Tzu Nyen
screenplay: Ho Tzu Nyen
cinematography: Jack Tan
cast: John Low, Jo Tan, Hemang Yadav, Andy Hillyard, Sudeep B. Singh, Paul Lucas, George Kuruvilla
producer: Fran Borgia, Michel Cayla, Jason Lai
production: Akanga Film Productions, GSMPRJCT Media, M'GO Films, Oak 3 Films, Tzulogical Films
language: madarin, malay, english and others
colouration: colour

Awards and festivals

Akanga Film Productions, GSMPRJCT Media, M'GO Films, Oak 3 Films, Tzulogical Films

Film description

Ho Tzu Nyen

Selected filmography:

2009 Tutaj/Here
2009 Earth
2009 Here
2009 Newton
2007 Lucky 7
2007 Reflections
2006 Sejarah Singapura
2006 The Bohemian Rhapsody Project
2005 4 X 4: Episodes of Singapore Art
2003 Utama – Every Name in History Is I

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