Archive - 8th Five Flavours Film Festival
Asian Academy - Body and Sexuality in Asia
About the event
This year, "Queer Asia" section is an inspiration for reflecting on the differences in the approach to body, gender, and sexuality in various Asian cultures. Where does the impact of tradition end and the Western influence begin? To what extent our approach to beauty and behavioral norms is shaped by religion, and to what by pop-culture? We invite you to a cycle of lectures with a wide thematic scope, hoping that they will provide a starting point for discussion, and inspire further explorations. We especially invite you to a meeting with the guests from the Philippines and Thailand, which will allow us to compare perspectives and exchange experiences in an international group.
Asian Academy program:
- 13 XI, 15:00 – Non-heteronormativity in Muslim Asia - Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska, PhD
- 14 XI, 15:00 – Sexuality and Nudity in Chinese Art - Magdalena Furmanik
- 17 XI, 15:00 – Homosexuality in the Confucian Cultural Circle: Korea, Japan, Taiwan - Christoph J. Shin-Janasiak, PhD
- 18 XI, 16:00 – Gender in Asia, Gender in Europe. Transsexualism in film and social reality – discussion panel with specialists organized together with Queer UW
- 19 XI, 15:00 – Erotic fetishes in Japanese pop-culture - Jagoda Murczyńska
- 20 XI, 15:00 – Sacred patterns, empty dots: ethnic tattoos in South-East Asia - Tomasz Madej
Lectures: Museum of Asia and Pacific, Solec street 24
Discussion panel: Warsaw University – details soon.
Free admittance.
Jiang Congyi: I Am Pretty