Pięć Smaków w Domu

Archive - 9th Five Flavours Film Festival

Debate: The Relativity of Xenophobia

18 Nov 2015, Stół Powszechny

About the event

A debate in Stół Powszechny

The Relativity of Xenophobia: How did the debate on refugees changed the perceptions of the Vietnamese in Poland?

What factors contribute to the perception of immigrants from Asia? When and how do they change? During the debate, the conclusions from studies on the attitudes towards foreigners will be presented by specialists: Ton Van Anh, dr Grażyna Szymańska-Matusiewicz, and dr Paweł Mościcki.

Stół Powszechny is a cafe and workshop space of Strefa WolnoSłowa foundation and Teatr Powszechny theater. Its program includes plays, multicultural workshops, musical and visual classes, meetings at one, common table, debates and discussions.

Stół Powszechny, ul. Jana Zamoyskiego 20


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