Pięć Smaków w Domu

Archive - 4th Five Flavours Film Festival

Bedroom Dancing

Singapour 2006, 20’
subtitles: Polish and English
director: Sun Koh
screenplay: Sun Koh
cinematography: Pok Yue
cast: Sunny Pang, Grace Wan, Karen Lim, Dick Su, Lim Poh Huat producent: Ric Aw
production: Lucky 7 Film Company
colouration: colour

Awards and festivals

MFF w Vancouver 2008 MFF w Rotterdamie 2009

Film description

Sun Koh

Selected filmography:

2009 Dirty Bitch (kr.m.)
2009 Sink (kr.m.)
2008 Lucky 7 (współreż.)
2006 Bedroom Dancing (kr.m.)
2002 The Secret Heaven (kr.m.)

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