Retrospective: King Hu
For the first time in Poland, we present a retrospective of the filmmaker who changed the face of cinema. King Hu is an undisputed master of the most important Chinese film genre – wuxia, which he redefined and modernized. His works prove that action cinema can truly be enriched by a touch of transcendence and palpable mystique.
dir. King Hu /
Hong Kong 1966,94’
dir. King Hu /
Taiwan, Hong Kong 1967,111’
dir. King Hu /
Taiwan, Hong Kong 1971,179’
dir. King Hu /
Taiwan, Hong Kong 1979,192’
dir. King Hu /
Taiwan, Hong Kong 1979,121’
dir. King Hu, Hsing Lee, Pai Ching-jui /
Taiwan 1983,105’