Sunshine of my Life
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In recent years, Hong Kong cinema began to move away from thrilling, lavish gangster cinema towards realistic depictions of local everyday issues. Sunshine of My Life is an example of this new, socially-engaged cinema, with the debuting director Judy Chu turning her camera on her own family and telling the story of her own childhood. Yan Yan has been raised by her blind parents, and for most of her life, she’s been their guide in the world. However, she yearns to live her own life and follow her own passions. The clash seems to be inevitable...
Judy Chu calls Sunshine of My Life a fairly accurate depiction of her experience. The movie took nearly ten years to complete; Chu first made a short, which was received so well that it convinced her to develop the story into a feature film. An important step was casting the eminent Hong Kong actor Kara Wai, who was deeply moved by Chu’s script. Sunshine is a bittersweet story of love, sacrifice and the need for independence, told with touching honesty and authenticity.
Marcin Krasnowolski
Judy Chu
Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts and began her career as a theatre actor. As a screenwriter, she wrote the scripts for the awarded movies I Sell Love and Farewell the Good Old Days. Her short movie Undernourished? was developed into her debut feature Sunshine of My Life.
Moje słońce / Jat lou tung haang / Sunshine of My Life