Archive - 12th Five Flavours Film Festival
Interviews with festival guests
Dain Said durin Q&A session at Muranów cinema
The festival was accompanied by a camera that recorded short interviews with festiwal guests about the origins of their creations, inspirations and cultural and political contexts in their films.
winterview with CHAN TAI-LEE, dir. "tomorrow is another day"
interview with Z NAM RON (REŻ. "crossroads: one two jaga") and Bront Palarae (Actor PRODUCer)
interview with YANG MINGMING, dir. "Girls always happy" - special mention from PEOPLE'S JURY
interview with LEon LE, dir. "SONG LANG"
interview with DEREK CHIU, dir. "No 1. Chung Ying Street"
Interview with Dain Said, dir. "Dukun"